Top 10 Secrets for Writing Money Making Blog Post

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by Saurabh K

Writing a blog post, like all other bloggers is a kind of extraordinary skill. There are so many popular bloggers who write their posts in very casual manners and draw the attention of their readers.

Keeping readers engaged and making out money from that post is the key skill that every blogger must-have.

The best practice is to define the scan-able format of your blog post.

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The scan-able format of your posts is a format that contains headings, subheadings, clear paragraphs, and appealing text formatting like bold, italic, etc.

With this, you can attract your readers to keep engaged with your blog post. But the main question is how to make money from blog posts?

Affiliates and advertisements revenues are the primary sources of income of a blogger. But there are more than 80 proven ways to monetize a blog.

I know you think that how you can keep your readers engaged and make money from your blog posts.

Here I have shared 11 secrets, which every pro-bloggers follow to turn their simple return post to money making a blog post.

Top tips for Writing Money Making Blog Post that Converts

Here are the top tips on how to write a money-making blog post that generates revenue.

#1. Structure of the Post

This is one of the most overlooked factors of a post. The structure of the post reflects the layout of a blog post you created.

It is essential that your post is in an organized manner to engage your targeted audience, and serve advertisement in a natural way to get more clicks on it.

Here is the structure that you should prefer for your post:

Introduction: First add some introduction in which you introduce your topic and set the stage for your discussion.

Create a body in which you make your point and explain it.

Lastly, the conclusion in which you wrap up the entire post with the summary of the most important ideas or consider some new ideas. This is also called a call to action.

This is just the general idea. However, it needs some specificity which is depending upon the type of post you are creating. So now you have a kind of summary of your post.

#2. Topic with All the Possible Answers

The post gets ranked well in a search engine if you cover the topic completely wherein you answered all the questions of your audience.

Suppose, your topic is related to what is SEO Friendly URL structure, then you should cover all the aspects and tips technically and non-technically to create SEO Friendly URL Structure.

It is necessary that you attend additional questions from your readers and address those too in your post.

And if some of the topics are quite lengthy then create that post with a blog series.

Make sure all series of blog posts are interconnected and with what audience can navigate quickly to every blog post via internal linking.

#3. Evergreen Content

Evergreen and fresh content is the key to the success of content marketing of any blog post. It is also known as SEO Friendly content that is continually relevant and stays fresh for the readers.

Such contents are not time-sensitive or content with tricks that work for the current situation, these are content that has every possible solution or information which works all the time, that’s why they are termed as Evergreen posts.

They are the best stuff on your blog, so to boost your blog just interlink such content at every possible post on your blog.

Some of you may think that how much evergreen content should your blog contain?

If you are a beginner, then make sure you create at least 10 or 20 evergreen content, or you can create a series of it. And you can add more as your blog grows.

#4. Meaningful and Short Content Works

Another tip to write a money-making blog post is to create meaningful and short content.

Unlike traditional writing, online writing has a pretty different concept. In a classic book, the publishers often fill their content with proper filler.

Yes, Google likes long articles, but not that much that scares away the readers.

So in online writing which is your post, of course, you should write long enough to express your thoughts thoroughly, and if your post is too long, then you should break up your content into two or more posts.

Keep your blog post meaningful and to the point (short) which will help to build more engagement and trust among the audience.

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#5. Do Not Write What Readers Skip

There are so many readers who often skip the large portions of text entirely like the introduction of the posts and conclusions.

For an instance, if your post is about to give the tips like “15 Secret Ways to Generate Quality Backlinks Naturally”, then I assure you that many of your readers skip the starting portion of your content and scroll down to the first tip.

This is just because you have already primed your readers with the main topic of your post.

So for this kind of post, it is very important that you get to the point quickly so your readers/audience can get it quickly.

#6. Give the Touch of Thrill to Your Posts at The End

When you write a post that contains a series, use cliffhangers at the end of each post.

This strategy will attract your audience, and they come back to your blog to see what happens next.

They want to see what thrill you give them in your next series of posts. You can also notify them directly through email, just ask them to sign up for your email list.

#7. Magic of Internal linking

An internal linking is a strategy in which you link to other related posts or pages within your site. This is how you can enhance and deepen the overall value of your blog.

Linking internally within your blog, keeps your visitors clicking around your blog, and also they can explore all the right stuff that you offered.

Internal linking also helps you to monetize your blog and also can get a better SEO ranking. It is not that complicated; you can link your posts or pages with good anchor text.

All you need to do is to create enough content throughout the website, then create text links with diluted anchors. Content interlinking is one of the best secrets to writing money making blog post.

The deeper the link is from your site, the better it works to get a more new audience. But make sure that you use phrases and anchor texts that make sense to your audience first.

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#8. Struggle of External Linking

Anchor text with a link back from 3rd party websites or blogs is an SEO Factor for higher ranking.

But sometimes due to irrelevant and spammy backlinks to your blog, it may lead to a Search Engine penalty and chances to lose all the ranking from the search results.

In many cases, I have noticed that external links on a blog have been a reason to penalize the entire blog and in the end results, they lose the ranking in the search engines.

You can also disavow such spammy links via the search console.

Now the question is about external linking of a site that you don’t want to cast a vote on. My recommendation is to add rel=”nofollow” attribute to every external link you add in your blog post.

#9. What to do After Publishing a Blog Post?

The majority of bloggers have this common question in their minds about what to do after publishing a blog post.

We all know that it is not an easy job to get the attention of the audience and make money from a single blog post. We all have to work smart and hard to promote each blog post.

Creating a well-defined and pre-planned promotional strategy helps a lot to promote the blog and get traffic on each blog post. Content promotion is very important for money making blog posts.

Here I have shared 10 Killer Ideas to Promote Your Blog To Grow Traffic. Check them all and start promoting your blog and make it visible at every corner of the web, from where your potential audience can visit and read your blog posts.

#10. Way of Interaction

Every blogger wants to have lots of comments on each of his/her blog posts. Even I want you to comment me your feedback or question in the below comment section immediately once you reach the end of the post.

Likewise, you would also expect an immediate response to your comment.

This happens all the time and for all types of audiences. No matter if you have a different blog with various niches and have a different set of targeted audiences.

Each of us loves to have immediate or in-time responses to our comments.

Make sure, and you attend all the comments you have received on your blog post and respond to them in or on time to get more interaction with the audience.

This will defiantly help you to build trust among the readers and attract them more to your future blog posts. And the basic fundamental makes money from your each blog post.

Bonus Secret: Visualization

The most important way to keep engaged your targeted audience is to have an excellent display for your blog.

A few times, it may happen that your potential audience may lose interest from your blog or a blog post even if you have great content, this is just because of the distractive look and feel of a blog design.

Make sure you use a clean and attractive blog theme that can help you make your potential audience stick to the blog post, which can lead to money-making ideas from each blog post.

If you are using a WordPress CMS for your blog, then you must Check these 9 Things To Keep In Mind While Selecting The Perfect WordPress Theme.


The era in which some SEO tricks were sufficient to get your website to get your blog to rank high in Google has long ended.

Nowadays, high content is surely the king who leads to more shares and likes on social media channels and returns those audience/visitors to your blog.

Well optimized and well-designed content will defiantly earn you money. A few bit tweaks and twists in a blog post will maximize your post’s earning.

The most important thing is to write and present content in a proper format and keep your audience engaged with your blog.

Likewise, I keep you engaged with this blog post.

Encouraging your readers to interact more like I am encouraging you to comment your feedback or question below, and lastly keep making blogging your passion will defiantly help you to make money from every single blog post you publish.

I write actionable content and share proven methods to make money online from blogging. Drop me a line on Twitter, subscribe to my newsletter or buy me a coffee.

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